Tuesday, August 21, 2012

CHS Setter, Monique Harris (JR) receives National AVCA Volleyball Honor

Monique Harris, has been identified by the AVCA as an elite rising high school volleyball student-athlete and will be recognized on the 2012 AVCA Phenom List that will be released on August 27.  The AVCA feels that Monique possesses the potential to participate in the 2012 AVCA Phenom College Preparatory Program.

The AVCA Phenom College Preparatory Program is a weekend of events held in conjunction with the AVCA Annual Convention.  The AVCA Phenom College Prep Program is an invitation-only event for unsigned Under Armour Watch List and AVCA Phenom athletes.  In 2012, the event will be held in Louisville, Kentucky from December 13 - 16. 
Coach Massey:  This is obviously a tremendous honor for Mo.  I couldn't be happier for Mo & her family.  This is a "national caliber" honor.  She didn't just fall into this, there have been hours, upon hours of work & effort into this.  Congratulations!
*Also thanks to the American Volleyball Coaches' Association for this recognition!
**How many times has this occurred? Mo, setting Alyssa and I'm watching! :)
Photo courtesy of the Sterk Family.  Thank you very much!

(I will expand this story on Wed.  Locial media, the Herald, QCTimes & KROS have all received the release today so I hope that they will run this soon.)

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