Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Clinton Varsity Tourn

CHS Tourn: 
Clinton - round 1 rest
Round 2 - CHS vs Dub Sr
Round 3 - CHS vs DavNorth
Round 4 - off. Get coaches snacks
Round 5 - CHS vs UTHS (east Moline)
Round 6 - prepare for playoffs

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Friday, September 13, 2013

North Scott Tourn

Queens open vs a strong Quincy team at North Scott at 9:15am

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Queens Win at home over North Scott

Congrats to CHS Frosh, Sophs, JV & Varsity! All 4 teams got great Team play to lead us to a home sweep. No place like #yourdmagic   Way to use the positive energy of our fans, students & Teams! 

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Friday, August 30, 2013

Maquoketa Tourn


Court 1 (West): Court 2  (East):Line Judges

(court closest to entrance)(courts further from entrance)(both courts)


9: 00Clinton Vs. MaquoketaCascade Vs. DewittNorth Cedar

9:45Clinton Vs. North CedarCamanche Vs. DewittCPU

10:30Maquoketa Vs. CPUCascade Vs. CamancheDewitt

11:15CPU  Vs. North CedarClinton Vs. CascadeCamanche

12:00Lunch Break

12:15CPU Vs. CamancheClinton Vs. North CedarMaquoketa

1:00Maquoketa Vs CamancheNorth Cedar Vs. DewittCascade

1:45Maquoketa Vs. CascadeCPU Vs. DewittClinton

2:305 v 63 v 4Maquoketa

3:151 v 2Maquoketa

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jacket Wiinners!

I'll have to post a pic but the 4 winners of UnderArmour jackets were Monique Harris, Gabby Haan, Paiton Schultheis, and Jenna Stremlow. Congratulations girls & thanks for the selling!  We certainly appreciate your efforts!!
Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Season Starts on a VERY HOT Night!

A couple of thoughts as we now are officially underway. Through the mid-80's (when North opened) thru early 2000, North & CHS had many great matches & were consistently 2 of the best in the MAC & state. For most of the past 10yrs the rivalry has swung our way, but as evidenced last night, they still play us tough. 
Overall, since the MAC went to a single round-robin schedule in 1980, Clinton has finished in the top 3 in league 21 times. During that time we finished below .500 in league twice (1 of those was 4-5). So we hope, expect to be in the mix throughout the season. That's our goal, every year. 

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Practice Begins!

Clinton High Volleyball practice begins at 3:30pm on Monday. Please have your white card. Call Coach Tanzillo or Coach Massey with any questions. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Clinton HS Volleyball Camp 2013

Please announce that there will be a volleyball camp at Clinton High School on Mon, Aug 5 - Aug 7.  Grades 9-12 from 8-10am & 1-3pm. Middle School from 10am to Noon
Cost will be $35 payable on Monday. 
Players may enter the new gym thru the north entrance by the new pool. 
Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Mark F Massey
Clinton, IA
(563) 357.7913
Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Volleyball Camps

I'm often asked about camps, these are 3 of the best that I'm aware of in the Midwest. I put these out & if any are interested I will do whatever I can to facilitate even tho I am head coach only until May 31.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

My statement on early retirement

I hope to be able to continue to serve the community and the school district in a variety of capacities. As AJ Hanafan might have said, “I'll always be a wildcat and a River King.” Both of my children are CHS grads. I've worked with many wonderful families, assistant coaches & administrators. The students/athletes I've had a chance to work with have been & are fantastic. I’ve always been appreciative of the confidence that Bill Holmstrom showed in me, way back in June, 1978. I think that we've built a solid program that the community & school can be proud of since then. “Do I plan on coaching in the future?” …. “I think I still may have quite a bit of coaching in me.”